Winter Challenge 14ª Edição
05/07/2018 - 08/07/2018
Winter Challenge 14th edition
Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia
Praça Mauá, 1 - São Caetano do Sul/SP
05/07/2018 - 08/07/2018

Promotional rate:
R$ 160,00 + ISS (quarto duplo).
Alameda Terracota, 250 Torre 2A - São Caetano do Sul/SP
+55 11 4280-6870
Competitors | Until 02/05/2018 | Until 04/06/2018 |
Individual* | R$ 100,00 | R$ 150,00 |
The registration fee on the day of the event will be $ 300.00.
Schedule yourself in advance and sign up during the discount period.
You will not be able to register robots after 4/6/2018.
Robots (Class): | Until 02/05/2018 | Until 04/06/2018 |
Antweight** | R$ 75,00 | R$ 100,00 |
Beetleweight** | R$ 100,00 | R$ 130,00 |
Hobbyweight** | R$ 120,00 | R$ 150,00 |
Featherweight** | R$ 130,00 | R$ 160,00 |
Lightweight** | R$ 140,00 | R$ 170,00 |
Mini-sumo - 500g (Auto)** | R$ 100,00 | R$ 130,00 |
Sumô LEGO - 1kg (Auto)** | R$ 100,00 | R$ 130,00 |
Sumô LEGO Junior - 1kg (Auto)** | R$ 75,00 | R$ 100,00 |
Sumô - 3kg (Auto)** | R$ 120,00 | R$ 150,00 |
Sumô - 3kg (R/C)** | R$ 120,00 | R$ 150,00 |
Hockey - 6,8kg** (team) | R$ 200,00 | R$ 250,00 |
Seguidor de Linha - Pro | R$ 100,00 | R$ 130,00 |
Seguidor de Linha - Junior | R$ 75,00 | R$ 100,00 |
Robô Trekking - Pro | R$ 150,00 | R$ 200,00 |
Artbot | R$ 75,00 | R$ 100,00 |
Futebol - Simulation 2D (team) | R$ 75,00 | R$ 100,00 |
Futebol - Mini (team) | R$ 100,00 | R$ 130,00 |
You can sign up new members and robots to your team even after already having completed an inscription above.
05/07 Thursday (only for competitors)
09:00h - Start of Check-in
10:00h - Start of safety inspection *
20:00h - End of day activities
06/07 Friday
10:00h - Start of the competitions
13:00h - Interval
14:00h - Resumption of competitions
20:00h - End of day activities
07/07 Saturday
10:00h - Start of the competitions
13:00h - Interval
14:00h - Resumption of competitions
20:00h - End of day activities
08/07 Sunday
10:00h - Start of the competitions
13:00h - Interval
14:00h - Resumption of competitions
20:00h - End of day activities
* To avoid delays during the event, the security inspection will be done EXCLUSIVELY on Thursday.
Robots that are not approved on Thursday will not be able to compete.
A security inspection on Thursday is required only for the combat and hockey categories.
In case the competitor wishes to cancel his registration, after paying the fees, RoboCore will refund 80% of the amount paid if the cancellation happens until May 2, 2018.
If cancellation occurs after May 2, and is made until June 4, 2018, RoboCore will reimburse only 50% of the amount. If you wish to cancel your registration after June 4, there will be no refund. To cancel your registration contact us at