
Free admission
31 October, 01 and 02 November from 10:00 to 20:00

Check the values ??of the entries below


30/10 (Friday)

10:00h - Safety inspection*
20:00h - End of day activities

31/10 (Saturday)

10:00h - Start of competitions
13:00h - Break for lunch
14:00h - Restart of competitions
20:00h - End of day activities

01/11 (Sunday)

10:00h - Start of competitions
13:00h - Break for lunch
14:00h - Restart of competitions
20:00h - End of day activities

02/11 (Monday)

10:00h - Start of competitions
13:00h - Break for lunch
14:00h - Restart of competitions
20:00h - End of day activities
21:00h - Award cerimony

*To avoid delay during the event, the safety
inspection will be EXCLUSIVELY on
Thursday. Robots that are not approved until
Thursday, will not be able to compete.

Meet the competition:


Until 20/09/2015After 20/09/2015
People:*R$ 50,00R$ 75,00
* All registrants until 10/10/2015 will receive official shirt of the event.
Members subscriptions at the event day will cost R$ 100,00.
Will not be able to subscribe robots after 10/10/2015.

Robots (Class):Until 20/09/2015After 20/09/2015
**AntweightR$ 50,00R$ 75,00
**BeetleweightR$ 50,00R$ 75,00
**HobbyweightR$ 70,00R$ 100,00
**FeatherweightR$ 90,00R$ 120,00
**LightweightR$ 110,00R$ 140,00
**Mini-sumo - 500g (Auto)R$ 50,00R$ 75,00
**Sumô LEGO - 1kg (Auto)R$ 50,00R$ 75,00
**Sumô - 3kg (Auto)R$ 50,00R$ 75,00
**Sumô - 3kg (R/C)R$ 50,00R$ 75,00
**Hockey - 6,8kgR$ 150,00R$ 200,00
Seguidor de Linha - ProR$ 50,00R$ 75,00
Robô Trekking - ProR$ 90,00R$ 120,00

** Categories with a limit of 32 robots per class

You can enroll new members and robots to your team even after you have made a subscription before.

Note: RoboCore reserves the right to cancel or postpone their events. All information is subject to change without notice and any official notification will be made by RoboCore report. In case of cancellation the data concerning registrations will be refunded.